How to make Assertive sentences

How to Make Assertive Sentences

Assertive sentences are statements that express a fact or an opinion. They are used to convey information or make a statement without any doubt or uncertainty. Here are some key concepts to help you make assertive sentences in English:

1. Use the subject-verb-object structure: In assertive sentences, the subject comes before the verb, and the object follows the verb. For example, "She eats an apple."

2. Use strong and confident language: Assertive sentences should be clear and direct. Avoid using weak or uncertain words like "maybe" or "perhaps." Instead, use strong and confident words to express your thoughts or opinions.

3. Avoid using negative words: Instead of using negative words like "not" or "don't," try to rephrase the sentence in a positive way. For example, instead of saying "I don't like coffee," you can say "I prefer tea."

4. Use present tense verbs: Assertive sentences usually use present tense verbs to express actions or states that are happening now. For example, "He works in a bank."

1. She is a doctor. (वह एक डॉक्टर है।)
2. I love to read books. (मुझे किताबें पढ़ना पसंद है।)
3. They live in New York. (वे न्यूयॉर्क में रहते हैं।)

Key Mistakes:
1. Using weak or uncertain language: Avoid using words like "maybe" or "I think" in assertive sentences as they weaken the statement.
2. Using negative words: Instead of using negative words, try to rephrase the sentence in a positive way to make it more assertive.
3. Incorrect word order: Make sure to follow the subject-verb-object structure to form assertive sentences correctly.



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