लोगों का व्यक्तित्व बताने वाले सकारात्मक विशेषण-1

adaptable - अनुकूलनशील (capable of fitting a particular situation or use)
adventurous - साहसिक (willing to undertake new and daring enterprises)
affectionate -स्नेहमय (having or displaying warmth or affection)
amiable - मधुरस्वभाव (diffusing warmth and friendliness)
compassionate - दयावान (showing or having sympathy for another's suffering)
courageous - निडर (able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching)
courteous - विनम्र (characterized by politeness and gracious good manners)
diligent - मेहनती (characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks)
empathetic - समानुभूति रखने वाला (showing ready comprehension of others' states)
frank - स्पष्टवादी (characterized by directness in manner or speech)
generous - उदार (willing to give and share unstintingly)
gregarious - मिलनसार (temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others)



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