ऑफिस के सहकर्मियों से लंच के बारे में कैसे बात करें

Key Concepts and Their Translation in Hindi Language

1. Lunch - लंच

2. Colleagues - सहकर्मी

3. Invite - आमंत्रित करना

4. Conversation - बातचीत

5. Preferences - पसंद

Usage Examples and Translations

1. "Would you like to join me for lunch?"

"क्या आप मेरे साथ लंच पर चलना चाहेंगे?"

2. "What do you prefer to eat?"

"आपको क्या खाना पसंद है?"

3. "Let’s try that new restaurant nearby."

"चलो पास के नए रेस्तरां में चलते हैं।"

4. "I enjoyed our lunch together."

"मुझे हमारे साथ लंच करना अच्छा लगा।"

Key Mistakes

1. Not asking for preferences: Always ask your colleagues what they like to eat. This shows you care about their choices.

2. Speaking too fast: When talking about lunch plans, speak slowly and clearly. This helps everyone understand you better.

3. Forgetting to confirm: After inviting someone, make sure to confirm the time and place. This avoids confusion.

In conclusion, talking about lunch with colleagues can be fun and friendly. Use simple questions and be polite. Enjoy your meal together!



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