Rules to make sentences using interrogative pronouns

Rules to make sentences using interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are words that we use to ask questions. They help us gather information about a person, thing, or place. Here are some rules to remember when making sentences using interrogative pronouns.

1. Use "who" when asking about a person or people. For example:
- Who is your best friend? (तुम्हारा सबसे अच्छा दोस्त कौन है?)
- Who are they? (वे कौन हैं?)

2. Use "what" when asking about things or objects. For example:
- What is your favorite color? (तुम्हारा पसंदीदा रंग क्या है?)
- What is that? (वह क्या है?)

3. Use "where" when asking about places or locations. For example:
- Where is the nearest supermarket? (नजदीकी सुपरमार्केट कहाँ है?)
- Where are you going? (तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो?)

4. Use "when" when asking about time or dates. For example:
- When is your birthday? (तुम्हारा जन्मदिन कब है?)
- When did you arrive? (तुम कब पहुंचे?)

5. Use "why" when asking about reasons or causes. For example:
- Why are you sad? (तुम क्यों उदास हो?)
- Why did she leave? (उसने क्यों छोड़ दिया?)

Remember to always use a question mark at the end of interrogative sentences. Practice using these rules to improve your English speaking and writing skills.

Key Mistakes:
- Forgetting to use a question mark at the end of interrogative sentences.
- Confusing the usage of different interrogative pronouns.



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