Shopping related phrases - 3

I can't afford it - कुछ खरीदने के लिए पर्याप्त पैसा ना होना (not have enough money to buy something)
In stock/out of stock - कोई समान का दुकान में है या नहीं (be available or unavailable in a shop or store)
It costs a fortune! - बहुत ज्यादा महंगा (be very expensive)
It costs an arm and a leg! - बहुत ज्यादा महंगा (Cost a lot of money; be very expensive)
It's a steal! - इतना सस्ता होना की ऐसा लगे कि उसके लिए कोई कीमत ही नहीं दे (so cheap that it’s almost as if you haven't paid anything for it)
It's good value for money. - खर्च किया गए पैसे के लायक वस्तु (worth the money spent on it)
Shop till you drop - बहुत लंबे समय तक खरीदारी करना जब तक कि आप थक ना जाएं (go shopping for a very long time, until you are exhausted)
Shopaholic - ख़रीददारी का आदी (love shopping so much that it is like an addiction)
Shopping spree - आमतौर पर अधिक पैसे खर्च कर उत्साहपूर्ण outing करना (enjoy a lively outing, usually with much spending of money)
Splash out on something - महंगा होने के बावजूद उस वस्तु को खरीदना (buy something even though it costs a lot of money
That's a bargain - जब कोई वस्तु उसके सामान्य मूल्य से कम हो, उस समय यह कहा जाता है (said when an article is well below the usual price)
That's a bit pricey! - यह महंगा है (It's a bit expensive)
That's dirt cheap! - यह बहुत सस्ता है (It costs very little)
That's a rip-off! - यह जितना होना चाहिए उससे कहीं अधिक महंगा है (much more expensive that it should be)



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