आजकल कुछ English words की spellings लिखते समय थोड़ा confusion होता है - जो spelling हमने या हमारे बड़ों ने सीखी, आज उसमें थोड़ा बदलाव आ गया है। The differences often come about because British English has tended to keep the spelling of words it has absorbed from other languages, while American English has adapted the spelling to reflect the way that the words actually sound when they're spoken.
आइए कुछ ऐसे ही शब्दों की spellings जानें -
British English words that end in -re often end in -er in American English जैसे -
Centre → center
fibre → fiber
litre → liter
Theatre → theater or theatre
British English words ending in -our usually end in -or in American English जैसे -
Colour → color
Flavour → flavor
Humour → humor
Neighbour → neighbor