Use of the phrase "about to" in Spoken and Writen English

1. Future Action: "About to" is used to express an action that is going to happen in the near future.
- I am about to leave for work.
- They are about to announce the winner.
2. Imminent Danger: "About to" can be used to describe a situation where something dangerous or undesirable is going to happen soon.
- The car was about to crash, but the driver swerved at the last moment.
- The storm clouds are dark, and it looks like it's about to rain heavily.
3. Interrupted Action: "About to" can be used to describe an action that was just about to happen but was interrupted or prevented.
- I was about to call you when my phone ran out of battery.
- She was about to sign the contract when she realized there was an error.
4. Suspense or Tension: "About to" can create a sense of suspense or anticipation in storytelling or descriptions.
- The detective was about to uncover the truth when the lights suddenly went out.



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